Cancer drugs, I am sure they already have the solution, but they are releasing drugs little by little to make the investments profitable, even if this means many loss of lives. Well, there are many more examples, it is clear that some companies act in good faith and out of conviction, but those in power do not, and they are the first to change. Big Data is a double-edged tool, like everything in life depends on the use given to it, the current world, especially with digitalization, generates a large amount of information, which, analyzed, gives us the possibility of predicting many things, in all fields, business, health, military... of all kinds, but as I mentioned before, the career and development of this discipline is based on essentially having economic and political power, social benefit programs are also developed but not with the same intensity as business projects.
What is positive is the trace that companies leave with their Denmark WhatsApp Number Data operations and activities, which, when studied, cannot give an idea of how they are acting and can be questioned and valued by public opinion thanks to the social networks, and in this way it is possible to control or make companies take care of their image, controlling their actions, and cleaning their image with projects or acts of social benefit. have an economic-commercial priority, they are not made for the good of the entire society, but only for a few, because that provides power, the power to control the rest of the countries and individuals.

I believe that today More than ever it is applied in a ruthless way, for many problems of hunger, immigration, health, there is a solution, but the struggle of interests makes its implementation impossible, but come on, this is not new, it has persecuted man since his beginnings throughout the whole story. Yes, it is true that there are companies willing to change this situation of caring more about people in the world, but they are a large minority, in this area we have everything left to do, something very big would have to happen for society to change its way of working.