APublic Works of National Interest and Housing No. of April Ministry of Transport Order for the approval of the Methodology for calculating highlighting and awarding from the state budget the public service compensation in public rail passenger transport No. of May Leave a reply Your email address will not be published. Mandatory fields are marked with Comment Official Gazette of May Official Gazette minute Official Gazette May The Constitutional Court of Romania Decision regarding the exception of unconstitutionality of the provisions of art. para. in conjunction with art. para. of the Civil Procedure Code No. of January.
The Constitutional Court of Romania Decision regarding the exception of Country Email List unconstitutionality of the provisions of art. para. lit. a art. para. and and of art. para. from Law no. on the measures to complete the restitution process in kind or by equivalent of buildings taken over abusively during the communist regime in Romania No. of January The Constitutional Court of Romania Decision regarding the exception of unconstitutionality of the provisions of art. para. and as well as of art. para. and of Law no. regarding the insolvency procedure No. of February Ministry of Transport Order for the approval of the volume of public rail passenger transport that passenger rail transport operators can perform within.
The minimum social package for which they receive compensation from the state budget in Official Gazette no. of May Official Gazette minutes Official Gazette May The Government of Romania Decision to amend Government Decision no. on pollutants No. of April Prime Minister Decision for the release of Mr. Marius Stnil from the position of antifraud deputy inspector general at the general tax antifraud directorate within the National Agency for Fiscal Administration No. of May Prime Minister Decision for the release of Mr. Valeriu Alexandru